I've been reading the book Never Split the Difference by Chriss Voss. It focuses on negotiating from the perspective of a hostage negotiator turned corporate consultant. He really drives the point to avoid direct confrontation which turns people defensive. Instead he focuses on four concepts: labels, effective pauses, calibrated questions, and tone of voice.
While the book assumes you are the one asking the questions, an interesting thing happened after I read about calibrated questions: I received a perfectly calibrated question, one that I've gotten a thousand times before. How hard would it be to … ?
Notice what the question does:
The asker isn't consciously asking it this way because they've read Chris Voss. They just know my plate is full and I'd rather not add to it. They've just learned this is the best way to start "the negotiation".
I'm a Ruby on Rails contractor from Atlanta GA, focusing on simplicity and usability through solid design. Read more »